Hey There!
My Name is
Lucas Ochoa
Freelancer Remote Salesman, UIC Basketball Player, and Men Self Improvement Coach.
About Me
My name is Lucas Ochoa, I am an 19 year old man who started self improvement 3 years ago. I spent most of my time building good habits, getting up early, working hard in school, reading books, building my physique, building my style and learning high income skills. After dedicating myself to study sales for a long period of time, I am now working as a freelancer remote-salesman.
Why Sales?
After working as a copywriting and social media manager, I decided to move to sales. Why? Because Sales is the most important pillar of business, because sales is not only about making money, but also about helping customers and make long term connections, and because for the same amount of work I was putting in I could earn more and help more customers.
My Resume
The Experience I Gained as a Freelancer
This case study is a small google document that shows evidence and a summary of the process I went through with my most successful client.
What my clients said about me:
If you are looking for a young guy who knows about sales and is willing to work hard, send me a message, or a DM on Instagram or an email and I will reply as soon as possible.
My YouTube Channel
In my YouTube channel, I will teach you everything about self improvement. I will help you improve your mindset, your physique, your style, etc. No bs, straight to the point.